Traverze travel is diversifying and introducing new products which necessitated a 2-day training workshop which was designed and tailor made for a service-oriented organization that thrives on excellent service delivery. There was a special day centered on Call Center training. The prelude focused on Call Centre Customer Service Etiquettes. It was inclusive of but not limited to product knowledge, customer needs, knowing your customers, verbal communication techniques, telemarketing skills, handling customers and dealing with difficult clients, telephone etiquette, face to face and netiquette skills, negotiation skills to capture clients and attractive deals, how to deal with difficult customer complaints and demands in a careful and graceful manner. The second day of the training targeted Branch Staff and focused on Customer Service. The coaching included Professional grooming and deportment, personal branding. Business Etiquettes, Team Building Techniques and importance of teamwork, communication skills and self-confidence to understand the needs of customers, how to handle difficult people and situations and overcome misunderstandings and minimize conflicts. The trainees learnt how the quest for quality is essential in the service industry as Mr V.A Chikanda, the lead facilitator alluded that ‘Customers will not tolerate second class services’. To close the training, there was a team building exercise characterized by games to foster rapport, trust and unity in the organization.