Management and Leadership Development


Leadership development is not limited to individual leaders but can also encompass an entire group—fostering peer leadership. No leader can operate alone and must work proactively and collaboratively with others to solve the complex problems facing organizations today. Therefore every employee should be given the opportunity to gain greater self-awareness and learn how to be a peer leader and a leader of a group or team.

Organizations that capitalize on leadership development and training know that the strength of their successful operation is in the hands of good leaders. With the help of leadership development, an individual is given the opportunity to improve their skills, develop their talents, manage their weaknesses, and reinforce their ability to use their personal knowledge and organization resources. Additionally, it builds confidence and unity, which significantly improves the success rate of employees achieving individual and organization goals.

Course Objectives

After the completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the importance of Effective Leadership Skills in Business
  • Differentiate Leadership Training vs Development
  • Apply Leadership Styles
  • Ascertain Leadership Skills Development

Course Information

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