With a cast of 30 Students graduating in soft skills in the Executive Certificate in Diplomacy, Protocol, Etiquette and Professional Branding, the Graduation Ceremony was a truly momentous occasion. An occasion to celebrate empowered and innovative skills to carry Zimbabwe’s flag to heights it should in support of the New Dispension ushered in by President E.D Mnangagwa. A number of representatives from supporting institutions, members of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations, friends and family were all in attendance at the auspicious Graduation Ceremony held on Friday 9 February 2018 at the ZID Campus.
The Executive Certificate in Diplomacy, Protocol, Etiquette and Professional Branding is one of the Institute’s Capacity Building and Development programmes to help Africans fit in the ever changing socio-economic and political environment. The course enhances individual initiatives; innovative skills; and adds value to the province of business and private relationships management. It is a source of motivation and it centres on predictable acceptable demeanors, efficacy and professionalism.
His Excellency Narcedine Sai, Ambassador of Algeria to Zimbabwe who was the Guest of Honor encouraged the graduates to continue working hard and to never cease learning. In his keynote address, Ambassador Sai emphasized the paramount importance of lifelong learning as the key to Human growth and sustainable development. The Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy Mr V.A Chikanda also addressed the graduating students articulating the fundamental importance of soft skills in human development; saying, “…without knowledge of soft skills and diplomacy a human being will be nothing but a reasoning savage”.
Also in attendance was Her Excellency Annie Yauka Kumwenda, Ambassador of Malawi to Zimbabwe, His Excellency Pedro Hendrick Vaal Neto, Ambassador of Angola to Zimbabwe and Ms Jacquire Boketsu Katuala a representative from the Embassy of DRC in Zimbabwe.
The Institute would like to congratulate all the Students and wish them the best in their new endeavors.