A Capacity Development Training program for Junior Parliamentarians, Junior Chiefs, School Captains and Prefects was conducted from 13 to 15 March 2024 at Hala Select Kimberly Hotel in Bindura. It focused on Leadership, Team Building, Grooming, Business Etiquettes, Communication and Effective Public Speaking Skills. The training equipped the future leaders with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their leadership roles and make a positive impact in their communities. The Workshop was funded by the World Vision Zimbabwe, a leading humanitarian organization that works to empower communities and children in need.
The Workshop was graced by the World Vision representative who highlighted issues on child advocacy and the need to protect the rights and well-being of children in Zimbabwe. She discussed various issues affecting children in the country and encouraged her fellow participants to become advocates for change and to stand up for the rights of vulnerable children. World Vision Representative Ms Prudence Nyamayedenga who highlighted critical issues on child advocacy and the need to protect the rights and well-being of children in Zimbabwe. She cited various issues and legislation affecting empowering children in the country. She encouraged the Young Children leaders to become advocates for progress and to stand firm for the rights of children including those vulnerable circumstances.
Mr V. A. Chikanda, the Diplomacy, Grooming and Leadership academic covered through practicals and simulations the various disciplines of the Workshop that including the following: Practical State, Corporate and protocol for young leaders; business and social etiquettes for Little Ladies and Gentlemen; Personal and Professional Grooming for young leaders; Personal Hygiene, Decorum and Dressing for young leaders; Teenage Puberty Guidance and Advisory Services (breakaway sessions for boys and girls); Essentials of leadership, Communication and Mentorship for Effective Teams through Team Building Practicals.
In Practicals for Effective Public Speaking Skills, Miss Tadiwanashe Mashonganyika, a Junior Parliamentarian, passionately spoke about the importance of peace and how it is possible even in the midst of conflict. In addition, the Junior Chief, Tatenda Sibamba, gave a speech titled, “Children Should Not Watch Television,” in which he pointed out that television can be a useful tool in educating children and promoting the heritage of a nation. He also mentioned that television can be detrimental to the mental wellbeing of children, as it is often awash with inappropriate content. The speeches were an aftermath of Public Speaking Impromptu sessions during the workshop. Mr F. Chitombo, the Rusambo World Vision Zimbabwe Programme Manager, was Guest of Honour at the Workshop.
Leadership, Grooming and Team Building Workshops are Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy capacity development and empowerment programs for youth and future young leaders.