The need for skilled report writing and presentation skills has increased in the last few years. High quality reports often form the basis of sound decision making within an organisation and being known as someone who can express information in a clear, unbiased way can do a lot for one’s reputation at work. It was for this reason that Africom Management and Staff underwent Training in Report Writing and Presentation Skills at ZID Campus, from 1-2 November 2017.
The Workshop was meant to endow Africom Management and Staff with cutting edge Report Writing and Presentation Skills which will enable them to produce effective written and oral business reports. It equipped participants with skills to effectively write and produce concise, easy-to-read and professional technical and general reports for any context. The Workshop covered modules in Effective Report Writing Skills; Report Writing Process; Writing Specialist Documents like proposals and policy documents; Presentation Skills; Preparing a Presentation and Delivering a Presentation.
Facilitation was done through role-playing, group discussions, break-away sessions, relevant report writing and presentation skills exercises and demonstrations. At the end of the Workshop the participants were able to craft a report; structure a presentation; effectively speak and deliver a presentation; posing and tackle questions from the audience; exhibiting skill, finis and proficiency in making presentations to customers and internal board meetings.