The Financial Gazette underwent a tailor-made workshop on Business and Social Protocol, Etiquette, Media Diplomacy and Professional Grooming. The media is the fourth branch of the government and in any successful country, media relations staff are the core of business and information dissemination. The workshop was targeted to empower the Financial Gazette staff with contemporary business and social protocol skills as they interact with state and non-governmental agencies. The topics covered were inclusive of but not limited to Business Protocol, acceptable codes of decorum, grooming and deportment, business and social etiquette, dining etiquettes, media and diplomacy and professional branding. The Pink Press, as it is affectionately known, is a publisher of financial news in Zimbabwe. Medialand is a hostile environment, whose words are bombs, laser guided to make sure they hit the target. These rules of politeness help the Pink Press to be more affluent in information gathering and dissemination. The lead Facilitator Mr V.A Chikanda deliberately covered the concept of Media and Diplomacy which taught the participants how to conduct interviews with dignitaries, netiquette and marketing skills.