The Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy joins Zimbabweans in celebrating our 41st Independence Anniversary on 18 April 2021. It’s our hope that 41 years should bring us a prosperous, bountiful, caring and beautiful Zimbabwe!
We mark the 18th of April with fresh memories of the sacrifices made by our gallant fallen and living heroes of our Liberation Struggle, sons and daughters whose blood and sweat set us free. The Struggle swallowed over 20,000 casualties and losses and left over million of our people homeless and landless. The struggle cut families, friends and communities. We are grateful for the irreplaceable and irreversible sacrifices made for us and we are grateful.
We will forever be grateful to our friends and well wishers who supported our struggle. We express our appreciation to the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, and the DPRK for the unequivocal material and moral support given to us. We will forever cherish the brotherly and sisterly practical and moral support we got from Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Ethiopia, Algeria, Angola, Botswana and the OAU. The efforts of these and many other countries in Africa and the developing World made our Independence a reality.
As we (Zimbabwe) bask in jubilant celebration, we must remain united in order to fight the common enemies of poverty, Covid-19 and disunity. Together growing our economy for a prosperous, resilient and inclusive society. Let us make Zimbabwe great again!
Happy Anniversary Zimbabwe!
Chairperson, Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy
17 April 2021